facundo cabral
facundo cabral
facundo cabral
facundo cabral

facundo cabral
facundo cabral

facundo cabral
facundo cabral
facundo cabral
9 Jul 2011 – Argentine folk singer Facundo Cabral was shot dead in the 9 Jul 2011 – Argentine folk singer Facundo Cabral was shot dead in the Guatemalan capital early Saturday on his way to the airport.9 Jul 2011 – One of Latin America's most famous folk singers and UN peace envoy, Facundo Cabral , is shot dead in the capital of Guatemala, Facundo Cabral (May 22, 1937 – July 9, 2011), was an Argentine singer and songwriter. He was best known as the composer of "No soy de aquí ni soy de allá" facundocabral.org. Google. Búsqueda personalizada. Google Búsqueda personalizada : Argentina European Union Greece South Africa usa.
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