Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Create A Website

Welcome. If you want to make a website and you don't know how to make it, then you have come to the right place.! 

Here i explain how to create a website. And i also explain you :
1: How to get your own domain name (e.g, and
2: How to host your website.

Need a Free Website ?
If you need a free website and have not time to learn the technical stuff ?? then you must go for blogger, where you can make a free website (blog) and also blogger provide you with free hosting and free domain name (e.g But you can also purchase your own domain name although form blogger or from other domain name provider websites. ( Godaddy is highly recommended.) and this is a cheapest ad easiest way to make a website.
However free Web hosting websites often have some limitations. 
see this article: Free Web Hosting

Click here : How to make a Website (Blog) In Two Steps

Website creation Process:

1.Register Domain Name.     2.Get A Web Host.                      3.Build Your Website              
You have to register your      A website host company that        You can build website yourself 
domain name. For doing        host your website to be viewed     or can build it from a               
this you have to pay for it.      by rest of the world.                      professional (expert).                            
e.g         Different hosting companies                                                          
                                               are offering different plans.                                                          

Step 1: Register A Domain Name
First of all you have to register a domain name. In other words, you have to purchase it for domain names provider companies.
The domain is looks like this:

Different domains are available like .Com .Net .Me .Co .Ca .Org and etc. You have to choose which domain you want and whether your desired domain name is available or is already taken. This will information is also provided you from website company from you are purchasing your domain name. Well! this is not a problem.

Step 2: Get A Web Host
After registering a domain name the second step is to host your website. Many domain registering companies also provide hosting service.
 Care should to be taken when choosing a hosting company.So you have to choose a host company very carefully. A good hosting company is that which provide excellent support 24/7 and provide excellent website builder facility.

Step 3: Build Your Website
This is easy and difficult provided you have some knowledge or not.
The very easiest way to build a website is to use your host's online website builder. I recommend you this mean. see more on How to Build Your Website

Or if you want more sophisticated and unique website then you should build your website from experts..

Save Your Money Tips:
Just go for Blogger's Blog (the google's host provider). Which provide completely and absolutly free hosting. You have no need to purchase domain rather you will be provided by a sub-domain which is completely free. You can make your blog completely look like a website rather just look like a blog. You just have to upload a website look template. You can choose website look templates from:
Free Website Look Blogger Blog Templates

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Free Web Hosting

Free Web hosting services provided by many companies often have some limitations. This article is about limited services which free web hosting companies are provide. I choose to post on this topic on many requests of my respected and beloved followers. So now i began to explain you about this topic. 

Limited Space:
Offer very limited amount of space storage for your blog or website. They usually provide from range of 10 Mb to 1000 Mb. Which is much limited amount of storage.

Limited Bandwidth:
They often provide you with very limited bandwidth that you can use and please be sure to check rules for specific contents. Some free web host provider also limit you on uploading no or minimum number of videos that you can host. Most provider only offer 1 GB of Bandwidth.

Advertising On Your Website:
Mostly free host provider advertise on your website that you cannot control and cannot ask them not to advertise on my website. Obviously they are providing you free service because of this.

Your Domain Name:
Some providers also gave you this service that you can use your own domain name rather then own. Blogger is one of them. which provide you this service. You can purchase your own domain name either from third party or from those you are currently hosting.

Free emails:
This is very beneficial if a provider also provide you a free emails but this will be only in case where you are hosting your own domain name.

Which Free Host Provider Should I Choose?
well i only recommend you Blogger . Because Blogger provide you the most services which other free providers don't. So make your website (Blog) on blogger and enjoy its free services.

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How To Build A Website

If you have your own domain name and a host provider then next step is to build a website which i explain you that how you can do this.

First you need to decide which type of website you want e.g News/information, product, business or persona. Once you decided which type of website you want to build the next step will be you should have to be familiar with:

  • Design Basics
  • Learning HTML
  • Learning CSS
  • Web Page Editors
Design Basics:
You have to be familiar with space, formats, layouts, handle fonts and colours, and puts all these in a format that puts your message across.

Learning HTML & CSS:
An online classes of learning HTML & CSS is an easy way to start learning HTML & CSS. This class lets you to learn about HTML ad CSS, and will covers all aspects related to this field and make you a litle expert to build your own website through HTML or CSS.
Short courses are also available.

Web Page Editor:
Well this is so called difficult and hard to find HTML Editor. I had evaluated many HTML editors for Windows, MAC and Linux as well as some online editors.

Now at the end, after doing all the above, the next step is to:

Publish your website:
Publishing your website so it is open to the public and people from rest of world can see your website.
And can check what is you offering to public.

Promote Your Website:
After publishing the website you have to promote your website so people gets know about your website. A website can be promoted through many social channels and also by yourself.

Social Media:
Promote your website through social medias like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Yahoo etc although by making pages or through advertisements on Internet.

Maintain Your Website:
You must regularly update your website and maintain this regularly. If you are getting error on your web page then contact to your host provider.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Free Website Look Blogger Blog Templates

Many of Bloggers templates are available here you just need to select one of them and upload it on your blog. if you don't know how to upload blogger templates please click on How To Change Blogger Template . Blogger's default templates are not professional and they are simply looks like a blog. Many visitors visit your website or blog and that is why your blog should look like a professional website and in this way visitor will come again on your blog. Many websites offers many template designs but they charge for them and these are too costly. Free template designs provided by many websites are too common and too simple look like a simple blog. Here you see many of designs of templates are available and now after hundreds of requests of my respected visitors, i am uploading my own template designs at no cost. You can download these with out paying a single penny.
So you now don't have to pay for these templates. I will upload more and more template designs further at free of cost. Enjoy and share CrackModo with your friends and keep visiting. Thank You.

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Friday, October 19, 2012

How To Increase Blog Traffic (Free SEO)

Every new user of a blog or a website, even mature website holder have a problem of very low traffic on their blog or website. But now you don't have to worry about this. Here is a completely 100% free of cost solution (known as Search Engine Optimization SEO) for this major problem. But before i come to the main topic(Free SEO solution),


i want to tell you about some major mistakes

Use of :
1: Copy & paste Copyright material.
2: Wrong Keyword.
3: Default permalink.
4: Worthless content.

Now i tell you how to free SEO of your blog or website and increase traffic which no one can tell you about this. So let's start it.

Unique Contents

  • Use contents that are not just copied and pasted this will be violation of Copyright act and you can be sued by doing this. Develop your skills to write a material which has some worth. You can assist your work by wikipedia or other websites which provide free information. Shortly do not use Copyright material in your posts.
  • You can check your material by use of The Plagiarism Checker .


  • Use keyword which attract sufficient traffic and open monthly for at least 20,000 times. Do not use keywords with high competition as you are a new and now make this as your permalink.
  • You can select a keyword by the use of Keyword Tool .

Social Media

  • Make your blog or website page on Facebook, Google+Twitter and other social networking websites and share this page with your friends and relatives.
  • Refer your blog or website through visiting cards or what ever mean.
  •  Use social plugins in your blog or website.


  • List you blog or website on Google, Yahoo, Dmoz, Bing and other directories.
  • Make sure you have done this.


  • Select keyword related to your topic check it with Keyword Tool and then set it as your pemalink.

Once you done all the above things you will get more traffic on your blog or website, this is what  a SEO.

If you have any problem regarding this or you want to ask some thing more about this or any thing not related to this topic? then comment us.

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Make Blog In Two Steps

You can create a blog for free on blogger, wordpress, skyblog.. Here i show you how can you make a free blog on Blogger . But before you can make a blog you have to make a Google Account. Click on this: Make a Google Account  (If you already have a Google Account then you don't need to do this). 

Make Blog in just two steps:

Step 1: Click on this Link (to open blogger website direct to create a blog page)

Step 2: Enter the details.

1: Your desired title
2: Your desired blogger address
3: Select any Template
4: Click on Create Blog!


That's it. Thank You.
Please Like us on Facebook .

Awesome Professional Blogger Templates .

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to Change Blogger Template

If your Blog is hosted by blogger then definately may not be happy with common templates provided by blogger. If you want to give your blog professional look then you have to change your blog template. Perform just 2 Steps:

Step 1: First you need to change your template but before this you have to download your dreamy template from here: Free Blogger Templates

Step 2: After selecting and downloading your desired template in step 1, you have to upload this template to your present blog.

So follow these steps:

1: Log in to Blogger (you are at Dashboard)
2: Click on the Template button.


3: Click on Backups/Restore button.


4: Click on Choose File (upload template downloaded in step 1).


That's it. Now you have a same blog but with complete new look.Thank You

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Top 10 Popular Windows 7 Wallpapers

Do You use Windows 7? If yes then see Top 10 popular windows seven wallpapers. Download these FREE and make your window more attractive. Share with your friends. Keep visiting guys.

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